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Prompt Format

(template: str, compiled_template: Optional[str] = None, tokenizer: Optional[transformers.tokenization_utils_base.PreTrainedTokenizerBase] = None)

Arranges trainable tokens and dataset fields.

Format patterns:

  • Repeated tokens:
    • Pattern: <P*{int}>
    • Example: <P*3>
    • Compiled example: <P><P><P>
  • Initialization from phrase:
    • Pattern: <P>{str}</P>
    • Example: <P>Two tokens</P>
    • Compiled example: <P><P>, prompt provider is initialized with embeddings of tokens Two and tokens


>>> PromptProvider("<P*20>{text}<P*10>")
>>> PromptProvider("<P>Passage:</P>{passage}<P>\nQuestion:</P>{question}<P>\nAnswer:</P>")

See also: BasePromptFormat.__call__


Name Type Description Default
template str

See format patterns.

compiled_template Optional[str]

Compiled template.

tokenizer Optional[transformers.tokenization_utils_base.PreTrainedTokenizerBase]

Tokenizer to process the <P>Text</P> patterns.


(*args, **kwargs)


Base class for all prompt formats.

property readonly
: int

Count of prompt tokens.

(items: Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, return_ranges: bool = False, **kwargs) -> Union[str, Tuple[str, Dict[str, slice]], List[str], Tuple[List[str], List[Dict[str, slice]]]]

Applies prompt format to either one or multiple items.

Takes a either one item or list of them, where item is a dictionary with string keys. Each item is then formatted into a single string, where the keys are inserted the same way as in format string. If return_ranges=True, also returns a dict of slices, for the value of each key in item containing its start and end positions in the resulting string.


>>> f = PromptFormat("<P>{text}<P>")
>>> item = {"text": "one two three", "other": "value"}
>>> s, r = f(item, return_ranges=True)
>>> assert s == "<P>one two three<P>"
>>> assert s[r] == item["text"]
>>> f(text="one two three", return_ranges=True)
>>> f([{"text": "a"}, {"text": "b"}], return_ranges=True)


Name Type Description Default
items Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]]

Item or list of items.

return_ranges bool

Whether to return ranges.


Can be used instead of items (see examples).



Type Description Condition
str formatted string items is a Dict[str, Any] and return_ranges=False
Tuple[str, Dict[str, slice]] formatted string and ranges items is a Dict[str, Any] and return_ranges=True
List[str] list of formatted strings items is a List[Dict[str, Any]] and return_ranges=False
Tuple[List[str], List[Dict[str, slice]]] list of formatted strings and ranges items is a List[Dict[str, Any]] and return_ranges=True
Source code in ruprompts/
def __call__(
    items: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]]] = None,
    return_ranges: bool = False,
) -> Union[
    str, Tuple[str, Dict[str, slice]], List[str], Tuple[List[str], List[Dict[str, slice]]]
    """Applies prompt format to either one or multiple items.

    Takes a either one item or list of them, where item is a dictionary with string keys.
    Each item is then formatted into a single string, where the keys are inserted
    the same way as in format string. If `return_ranges=True`, also returns a dict of slices,
    for the value of each key in item containing its start and end positions in the resulting string.

        >>> f = PromptFormat("<P>{text}<P>")
        >>> item = {"text": "one two three", "other": "value"}
        >>> s, r = f(item, return_ranges=True)
        >>> assert s == "<P>one two three<P>"
        >>> assert s[r] == item["text"]

        >>> f(text="one two three", return_ranges=True)

        >>> f([{"text": "a"}, {"text": "b"}], return_ranges=True)

        items: Item or list of items.
        return_ranges: Whether to return ranges.
        **kwargs: Can be used instead of `items` (see examples).

    # Returns:

    | Type                                       | Description                          | Condition                                                     |
    | ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
    | `str`                                      | formatted string                     | `items` is a `Dict[str, Any]` and `return_ranges=False`       |
    | `Tuple[str, Dict[str, slice]]`             | formatted string and ranges          | `items` is a `Dict[str, Any]` and `return_ranges=True`        |
    | `List[str]`                                | list of formatted strings            | `items` is a `List[Dict[str, Any]]` and `return_ranges=False` |
    | `Tuple[List[str], List[Dict[str, slice]]]` | list of formatted strings and ranges | `items` is a `List[Dict[str, Any]]` and `return_ranges=True`  |

    if items is None:
        items = kwargs
    if isinstance(items, list):
        return self.batch_format(items, return_ranges)
    return self.format(items, return_ranges)

() -> Dict[str, Any]

Serializes the prompt object as dict.

Returns such a dict d that running __init__(**d) results in an identical object.

Source code in ruprompts/
def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Serializes the prompt object as dict.

    Returns such a dict `d` that running `__init__(**d)`
    results in an identical object.

(items: List[Dict[str, Any]], return_ranges: bool = False) -> Union[List[str], Tuple[List[str], List[Dict[str, slice]]]]

Formats a list of items into strings and possibly returns ranges.


Name Type Description Default

Items to be formatted.

return_ranges bool

Whether to return ranges.



Type Description
Union[List[str], Tuple[List[str], List[Dict[str, slice]]]]

Union[List[str], Tuple[List[str], List[Dict[str, slice]]]]: Returns List[str] when return_ranges=False and Tuple[List[str], List[Dict[str, slice]]] when return_ranges=True

Source code in ruprompts/
def batch_format(
    self, items: List[Dict[str, Any]], return_ranges: bool = False
) -> Union[List[str], Tuple[List[str], List[Dict[str, slice]]]]:
    """Formats a list of items into strings and possibly returns ranges.

        item: Items to be formatted.
        return_ranges: Whether to return ranges.

        Union[List[str], Tuple[List[str], List[Dict[str, slice]]]]: Returns `List[str]` when `return_ranges=False`
            and `Tuple[List[str], List[Dict[str, slice]]]` when `return_ranges=True`

    result = [self.format(item, return_ranges=return_ranges) for item in items]
    if return_ranges:
        result, ranges = list(zip(*result))
        return list(result), list(ranges)
    return result

(item: Dict[str, Any], return_ranges: bool = False) -> Union[str, Tuple[str, Dict[str, slice]]]

Formats one item into a string and possibly returns ranges.


Name Type Description Default
item Dict[str, Any]

Item to be formatted.

return_ranges bool

Whether to return ranges.



Type Description
Union[str, Tuple[str, Dict[str, slice]]]

Union[str, Tuple[str, Dict[str, slice]]]: Returns str when return_ranges=False and Tuple[str, Dict[str, slice]] when return_ranges=True

Source code in ruprompts/
def format(
    self, item: Dict[str, Any], return_ranges: bool = False
) -> Union[str, Tuple[str, Dict[str, slice]]]:
    """Formats one item into a string and possibly returns ranges.

        item: Item to be formatted.
        return_ranges: Whether to return ranges.

        Union[str, Tuple[str, Dict[str, slice]]]: Returns `str` when `return_ranges=False`
            and `Tuple[str, Dict[str, slice]]` when `return_ranges=True`